CIMEE is a structured group focused on producing environmental science knowledge that provides solutions for delivering environmentally friendly and sustainable new products.
The International Research Group, CIMEE (with a theme: Chemistry of Materials, Electrochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of the Environment) * brings together several laboratories for the scientific coordination of a specific theme. CIMEE focuses on mobility, the exchange of information, the organization of seminars, symposia and workshops.
It is a priority to bring together scientists from across the Mediterranean region. To this end, the CIMEE group seeks to:
- Improve collaboration and communication between scientists in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
- Connect the community of the Middle East, North Africa and Europe working in the field of chemistry to the international community by proposing innovative solutions to preserve the environment.
This gathering is held twice a year to create a platform and space for exchange within a multidisciplinary group of researchers.
The chairman of the scientific committee and the chairman of the group coordinate this group.
Committee members are mainly composed of representatives of universities, research networks, research centers and laboratories concerned. He reports regularly to a steering committee. This committee includes a representative of the supervision of the laboratories constituting the International Research Group, CIMEE.
The role of the working group and the scientific committee is to provide scientific expertise, advice and analysis of all scientific work, including manuscripts of researchers and conference participants involved. Upon acceptance, an agreement is established between the President of the Research Group and the supervisory bodies of the partner laboratories.
Pollution Control and Environmental Remediation
Environmental quality and remediation includes the characterization and quantification of biological, chemical and physical processes that determine the behavior of contaminants in air, soil, water, sediment and biota. We study the source, transport, and fate of inorganic and organic contaminants, and design and test strategies for contaminant removal.
Participating University
CIMEE Research Axis :
Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications.
– Phytoremediation/Bioremediation of agricultural soils contaminated with organic compounds.
– Remediation of soils polluted with heavy metals and organic chemicals.
– Monitoring Metal Speciation in water and aquatic ecosystems
– Electrochemical sensors for heavy metals assay in water work.
-Air quality sampling and monitoring – Air Quality Monitoring and Sensor