الاتحاد العالمي للمؤسسات العلمية عبارة عن مؤسسة علمية خدماتية ليس لها غايات سياسية أو حزبية أو دينية وتتمثل أهدافها الأساسية فيما يلي:
ويحقق الاتحاد أهدافه من خلال مزاولته كافة الانشطة المشروعة قانونيا وأخلاقيا واستخدامه كافة الوسائل المتاحة والآليات المناسبة عن طريق :
مالية الاتحاد: الاتحاد العالمي للمؤسسات العلمية مؤسسة خدماتية مستقلة تقصد المنفعة العامة ولا تتوخى الربح وتعتمد في تمويل نشاطاتها على اشتركات أعضائها والتبرعات غير المشروطة من الهيئات والأفراد، ويتكون رأس ماله من: – الاشتراكات الداخلية والخارجية. – الهبات الوصايا والتبرعات النقدية والعينية غير المشروطة. – الإيرادات والمداخيل الناتجة عن أنشطته وخدماته المختلفة؛ – مبيعات وعائدات استثمارات “الاتحاد”. – الدعاية والإعلان. – وأي موارد مشروعة أخرى.
The Universal Union for Scientific Institutions is a scientific service institution. It does not have any political, party or religious goals. Its main objectives are as follows: Encourage and support researchers, and offer them the appropriate environment to help them achieve progress in their research, connect with local and international scientific institutions, and participate in international scientific events. Support the scientific institutions by introducing them and their various scientific activities to the public. Encourage common studies, research and activities in various scientific fields. Find a common ground to support dialogues and share experiences and scientific research with the different scientific institutions, in order to reinforce the relationship between the peoples and their elected representatives. The Union achieves its objectives through every legally and morally acceptable activity, and by using all the available means and appropriate devices, such as: Organizing various scientific activities: lectures, seminars, conferences, workshops and training courses…etc. Sponsoring the scientific activities shared between the scientific institutions on the list of the institutions it is sponsoring. Creating websites and internet forums… to introduce scientific institutions and their scientific activities. Creating research departments and centers, in order to spread the culture of scientific research and to promote its principles and values. The capital of the Union consists of: Internal and external subscriptions Unconditional donations, subventions, and allowances in cash or kind Revenues and incomes resulting from its various activities and services The Union’s sales and investments revenues Propaganda and advertising Any other legal resources |